Saturday, February 16, 2013

Week 6 - Reflection # 1 - Technology Tools for Creating Student-Centered Classes, Including Large Classes.

Hello Donna and classmates

I hope you are doing fine and enjoying your weekend. I have to say that this week’s topics have been very interesting. The first, teaching large classes, is generally one of the most common educational issues and challenges that public school teachers and administrators have to face in my country every day. It is quite hard to speak in front of people, but it is much harder if there are more than fifty people in the audience. Therefore, the lecturer (or teacher) needs to know different ways to keep those listeners active so that they can take advantage and acquire the knowledge that they are receiving in an effective way.
Technology plays an important role in these situations. However, the technological tools that we plan to use in our classes must be carefully chosen as well as the activities have to encourage our students to participate more actively. If we forget some essential tips for teaching large classes, our students can feel bored and they won’t learn anything at all.   


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