Sunday, February 24, 2013

Week 7 - Reflection # 2 - One Computer Classroom & Wallwisher (Padlet)

Gradually technology has been incorporated in the classroom in the last years. However, we have to deal with another issue: the number of students VS the number of computers. Sometimes the situation is even worse when many teachers want to schedule a computer lab class and you want to wait in line or when the school or institution doesn’t have any kind of technological tools.  
If we are facing these problems, we can use one computer or laptop in the classroom and take advantage of that in order to apply interactive activities in class and give our students the opportunity to use technology in an effective and meaningful way. We can plan activities such as class or school surveys, group or individual projects, video discussions, learning stations and so on. The idea is to create simple but authentic activities where students can have access to technology in class in order to help them improve their proficiency and also become more interested in learning.

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What is PADLET?
Padlet is an Internet application that allows people to express their thoughts on a common topic easily. It works like an online sheet of paper where people can put any content (e.g. images, videos, documents, text) anywhere on the page, together with anyone, from any device.
Think of it like a multimedia friendly, free-form, real-time wiki.
(Source: Padlet:

Is it Worth Using?
Of course, it is. This application is free and easy to use and also gives us the opportunity to collect students’ ideas and opinions, ask questions, post assignments or projects, post feedback, evaluate students, post book or movie reviews and so on. The most important thing is that we are interconnecting technology and active students’ participation by using this useful application inside or outside the classroom. 

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