Sunday, February 17, 2013

Road To Success – Plan Draft # 1

From now on, the biggest task has begun. And the hardest question is: what can I do: A Project or a Plan? Meanwhile, I have decided to make a plan because my classes change every month and they can be in a different English level. Therefore, I want to make a plan for a blog that would include extra activities for all levels of English learners. That way I would not limit those activities for a specific class. I have been thinking of focusing on grammar extra activities because most of the students that I have taught have asked me for extra grammar help and clarifications so that this blog would be a helpful source of extra practice for them.
I would like to include self-test activities, printable activities, videos with explanations and podcasts. I am sure this way my students would be able to practice English as well as improve their L2 proficiency.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Juan Carlos,

    Good idea to create a plan. Be sure to include many resources of articles that support your decision to choose the technology that you choose.

