Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Week 10 - Reflection # 1 - End Of The Course

Hello Donna and classmates

During this interesting online course, I have learnt many things that have been useful and motivating.

What topics were most successful?
I found some topics very interesting and useful such as:
1)      Web searching: I am a big Google fan, but I learnt how to use other search engines that can be as effective and useful as Google.
2)      How to write clear objectives: Writing objectives has been my weakness and a headache sometimes. However, I could clarify some doubts when we had to do it using the ABCD model. This way of writing objectives is very accurate and measurable.
3)      Multi-skill activities and websites: Most of the time, I provide my students with extra grammar activities, but during the 3rd and 4th week, I learnt how to use other resources or websites to exploit all the language skills.
4)      Rubrics and alternative assessment: This is helpful to assess our students’ performance more accurately.    
5)      Teaching large classes and learning styles were also very interesting topics because we have to face these issues in the institutions or schools where we work.

What topics were most useful for you?
1)      Saving bookmarks with Delicious: I used to have many websites that I kept in my browser’s favorite list, but they were really disorganized. After creating my account and using Delicious, all my favorite websites are classified according to the topics that I am interested in; I can follow other Delicious’s users and share our links.  
2)      Creating an academic blog: I think this is a very simple and effective way to help our students to practice writing outside the classroom because they can feel more confident to write and share their opinions and ideas.
3)      Tools for assessment and creating exercises: these tools were very useful because I like to give my students extra practice. Therefore these tools can help me a lot to create my own worksheets.
4)      Interactive PowerPoint: I have used PowerPoint presentations several times, but during this week, I learnt how to create better and interactive presentations that can maximize the use of this visual tool.  

Which tools will you use in your classes?
I will definitely use a blog, interactive PowerPoint presentations and multi-skill activities.

Which, if any, do you think were not relevant to what you do or will do?
I think most of the tools and topics that we used and discussed during the course were important, but some of them are not feasible to put into practice in our classes or we need to get more familiar with them to start using them in the classroom.
For instance, I would need to practice more how to use webquests and ANVILL tools before starting to use them in my classes. I think they are very useful and interesting to the students. However, it might take me some time to learn well how to use these technology tools.  

What other tools might we have covered or would you suggest that we could have looked at?
Nowadays, social networks, cell phones and tablets are becoming more and more popular among teenagers and young adults in my country and also all over the world. It would be a good idea to include some tips or activities to use these technology tools in the classroom.


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Week 9 - Reflection # 1 - Learning Styles & Technology In The Classroom

Hello Donna and classmates

This week’s topic was very interesting because we read, analyzed and reflected on how technology tools and multiple intelligences can work together and help teachers to create effective and authentic activities for their classes. First, it is very important to know our students’ dominant intelligences to be able to choose the most accurate technology tools for them. Second, we, teachers, have to know how to use these tools or we might have a hard time trying to apply them in our classes. It is advisable to start using simple technology tools and little by little we can change and experience with other more sophisticated tools.
As we have discussed before, having a second plan is a must in case of technology failure. Therefore technology can be our friend or foe depending on the time we spend on learning how to use these technology tools and also our imagination to create meaningful activities for our students.

I would like to mention some examples of technology tools that are not so hard to use and can be used for a specific type of intelligence.

1) Verbal / linguistic intelligence: blogs, PDF files, email and word processing programs
2) Logical / mathematical intelligence: logic games, strategy games and webquests
3) Visual / special intelligence: clip arts, drawing tools, photo sharing websites, online comics
4) Bodily / kinesthetic intelligence: motion simulation games, use of keyboards, mouse or joysticks
5) Musical / rhythmic intelligence: karaoke, digital musical instruments, mp3s, CDs
6) Interpersonal intelligence: chats, social networks, forums
7) Intrapersonal intelligence: blogs and multimedia portfolios
8) Naturalistic intelligence: webquests, videos and blogs about the nature and environment
9) Existential intelligence: meditation CDs or DVDs, forums, chats or emails about philosophy and meditation

related links

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Week 8 - Reflection # 2 - Technology Tools

How can technology help teachers to create online lessons and resources and also encourage learner autonomy?
Technology can be our best teacher’s aide because there are many technology tools that can help us create online lessons, assess our students’ performance, monitor and feedback our students’ progress and also share and reflect on different topics on line. Therefore, the internet and these technology tools can make our lives simpler and our classes more interesting and meaningful to our students because we can use authentic and interactive materials and resources. There is only one thing that we should keep in mind, technology can help us a lot in the classroom, but it is the teacher’s responsibility to learn and get familiar with the use of these tools and also choose the most adequate technology tools according to the students’ needs and also have an emergency plan in case of technology failures.

Technology tools for creating a class, a survey or a class blog:
2) A class blog: Blogger (
                         WordPress (
3) A survey using Google Docs (Using Google Forms to make a survey)
4) A class website or wiki on Google Sites (

Technology tools for creating exercises and tests
1) Tools for educators (
2) Lanternfish (
6) Web Poster Wizard (
8) Language Resource Centers (

Articles related to technology tools

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Week 8 - Reflection # 1 - Online Tools For Enhancing Learning

What is ANVILL?
ANVILL (A National Virtual Language Lab) is a speech-based toolbox for language teachers. Like the language lab console of old, it's focused on the practice of oral/aural language, but at its core are very modern web-based audio and video tools from duber dot com and the University of Oregon: Voiceboards, LiveChat, and Quizzes and Surveys. Our newest tool, TCast, allows teachers to record and place audio or video files anywhere in a lesson--in 3 easy steps. Each of these tools really opens up the scope and sequence of lessons centered around spoken language tasks.
(source: ANVILL

What can you do with ANVILL?
ANVILL is a language lab that offers teachers and students to connect each other by using some powerful online language tools. ANVILL is focused on the practice of oral and aural language through voice boards, group chats, quizzes, surveys, forums, and blogs. Every teacher is able to create and manage an online lesson as well as record and audio and video files in three easy steps. You can easily do it at home, at work or everywhere in the world. It only requires you to have a computer or laptop, a headset, a webcam, internet access and a lot of imagination. The best thing about this service is that it is completely free.

related links
what is ANVILL
ANVILL Overview