Sunday, March 10, 2013

Week 9 - Reflection # 1 - Learning Styles & Technology In The Classroom

Hello Donna and classmates

This week’s topic was very interesting because we read, analyzed and reflected on how technology tools and multiple intelligences can work together and help teachers to create effective and authentic activities for their classes. First, it is very important to know our students’ dominant intelligences to be able to choose the most accurate technology tools for them. Second, we, teachers, have to know how to use these tools or we might have a hard time trying to apply them in our classes. It is advisable to start using simple technology tools and little by little we can change and experience with other more sophisticated tools.
As we have discussed before, having a second plan is a must in case of technology failure. Therefore technology can be our friend or foe depending on the time we spend on learning how to use these technology tools and also our imagination to create meaningful activities for our students.

I would like to mention some examples of technology tools that are not so hard to use and can be used for a specific type of intelligence.

1) Verbal / linguistic intelligence: blogs, PDF files, email and word processing programs
2) Logical / mathematical intelligence: logic games, strategy games and webquests
3) Visual / special intelligence: clip arts, drawing tools, photo sharing websites, online comics
4) Bodily / kinesthetic intelligence: motion simulation games, use of keyboards, mouse or joysticks
5) Musical / rhythmic intelligence: karaoke, digital musical instruments, mp3s, CDs
6) Interpersonal intelligence: chats, social networks, forums
7) Intrapersonal intelligence: blogs and multimedia portfolios
8) Naturalistic intelligence: webquests, videos and blogs about the nature and environment
9) Existential intelligence: meditation CDs or DVDs, forums, chats or emails about philosophy and meditation

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